The closing of gyms and leisure facilities have affected each one of us in some form or another. People use the gym to unwind from stressful days, preparing to step on stage for a competition or just simply to keep your fitness levels up. The way I look at it is a time to try out different exercise techniques. Some of us may have devoted ourselves to one type of training, maybe that was resistance training, cardio, etc. This is the perfect opportunity to adopt new training techniques outside of your comfort zone. Different techniques include home bodyweight workouts, agility training, yoga, flexibility training, HIIT, pilates etc. The list is pretty much endless.

Workout ‘blending’ is when you combine exercises that complement each other, it is the best way to get the most out of your body. Why? Think of it like this: while running may be great for endurance, it does little to boost your flexibility. Conversely, Pilates does improve core strength, but it fails to push your cardio. The solution? Fuse your workouts, adding one that fills the gaps left by the other.
So efficient is the blending technique, some of the world’s best athletes employ it: footballers practise yoga to supplement their game, Paula Radcliffe uses aqua workouts to support her running, and Rebecca Adlington includes running and weight training along with her swimming workouts.
Using this time to add variety or work on becoming consistent with weaker areas may put you in a much better position when gyms reopen. Once gyms do reopen in August then you can start to ease yourself back into a routine. But remember, do not neglect one area to take up another. Stretching/flexibility compliment resistance training or cardio training. So why not blend both into a regime to avoid injury and get the most out of your body.
If you are like me then staying fit and taking up new techniques helps with maintaining a positive mindset. Challenging yourself is a sign of growth. Setting small attainable goals and smashing them will not only benefit you physically, but mentally!
Jason Morissey
Aura Youghal