Whether you’re a complete beginner to fitness or a seasoned outdoor runner it can be a big change to start running on a treadmill, however, the benefits are undeniable. Working in some time on the treadmill as part of your fitness routine should be a top priority. While treadmill running can seem daunting, boring, or just difficult, the positives it can have on both your physical and mental health make it worthwhile, especially as it’s great for keeping fit during a busy schedule. We’ve got a few tips on how to not only adjust to running on a treadmill, but how to make it something to look forward to during your sessions, so read on to learn more.
Get a Tutorial
While a treadmill isn’t exactly the most difficult piece of equipment to understand in the gym, there are such a variety of brands out there that it is a great idea to ask a fitness instructor for a quick crash course before you get going. This will help you understand the different features on offer such as the speed, incline, preset routines, and so on that your local gym’s treadmills have. Knowing this is key to ensuring you are relaxed as you get going and helps you perform to the best of your ability. Even if you are someone who runs outside on a regular basis, it is important to get to know your treadmill as there is a massive change from running indoors or outdoors.
Warm-Up and Cool-Down
Like with most other exercise routines it is important to warm-up before you push yourself on the treadmill. Finding your rhythm on a new treadmill allows you to figure out your foot placement, arm swing, and so on, while beginning at a lower pace means you prepare your body for the impact of the run you are about to go on which reduces the risk of injury. On the other hand, cooling down is just as important as you shouldn’t just stop and hop off the treadmill when you reach your time or distance goal. It is crucial to take time at the end of your run to slow down into a jog, before walking for a minute, reducing your tempo to get your heartrate and blood pressure back to normal levels following an intense run.
Focus on Form and Posture
One of the huge benefits of running on a treadmill is that you don’t have to battle the outdoor elements that can be thrown your way when running near your house. However, this can also lead to people forgetting their running form and posture as they are not focused enough or don’t take time to adjust to the new surroundings. It is important to avoid hunching over or looking down at your feet while you run as this can lead to back or neck pain, stay upright, look ahead, and remember to swing your arms. Staying in the middle of the treadmill avoids you hitting your hands off the treadmill surroundings, and it can encourage you not to rely on the handrail provided, as holding this will impact your running technique, preventing you from reaping the benefits of a good run, or give you incorrect progress when training towards something such as a triathlon.
Make the Most of the Technology
Running on a treadmill might not provide the scenery of an outdoor run, but it does allow you to have more control over your running plan whether as a beginner or seasoned runner. You can select a pace that works for you to get started, you can increase the incline to simulate the feeling of running uphill or against the wind. This means you can train for outdoor events or switch up your running routines more easily as you just have to press a few buttons. Even better still many treadmills now have screens to show you some scenery from around the world, or to watch your favourite TV show while doing a pace and distance you’re happy with, just remember to keep your posture right if using these features.
Find Your Right Time to Run
Another major plus to treadmill running is that you can head for a run anytime no matter the weather conditions. That means you don’t have to worry about rain, wind, darkness, slippery leaves, or anything else that might prevent you from running. What it also means is that you can find your perfect time to get the most out of your runs. Everyone is different, so you could be more of a morning sprinter, or a motivated evening jogger, whatever you prefer, you can get it done on a treadmill without any hassle.
Hydration is Key
No matter what exercise you are performing hydration is vitally important to ensure you perform at the top of your game. However, it is even more important when running on an indoor treadmill. If you are used to running outside or only beginning to run, you need to be wary of the difference in temperature and moisture in the air when you are running indoors. Running on a treadmill can mean that you sweat more, meaning you become dehydrated faster, so make sure you have some cool water nearby (most treadmills have a water bottle holder), and take sips on a regular basis.
Work Your Whole Body
No matter your running experience it is good to remember that running isn’t just all about your legs. Often people that head for the treadmill forget to work the rest of their body, which can be a huge mistake. As you run you use your core and upper body, as well as everything below the waist, so it is important to take time to exercise these areas too. Set aside time for core and strength exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, and so on, these can be workouts that only use your body weight or lighter weights, so you are not bulking up, but they allow you to stay in prime running condition.
Don’t Just Focus on Distance and Time
As mentioned above a massive advantage of treadmill running is that you have control over your pace which allows you to hit distance or time goals. However, especially when you are starting, don’t get caught up in reaching a certain distance or time every workout. While your body is adjusting to running you will need to take it slow and build up endurance as well as speed or tempo. No matter your experience, we all feel the effects of fitness from time to time too, so remember if you don’t feel 100% don’t be afraid to take your pace down a notch to allow your body to recover and you’ll be hitting your goals in no time.
Prepare for Every Run
Again, you might not need to worry about the weather, but it is still crucial that you prepare for your treadmill runs. Wear well supported running shoes to help with your form and clothes that allow you to run comfortably. If you need a towel, have one at the ready, and always have your water nearby. It is also a great idea to listen to music to help pass the time while reducing the likelihood of looking at the metrics on the screen throughout your run, so get your motivational playlist ready in advance along with everything else, which will reduce stress and prevent you having to stop the treadmill unless you have to.
Don’t Forget Your Rest Days
Once you get into the swing of running you will feel great, but it can often take time and can be particularly taxing on your body when you start out. Always take time during the course of your fitness routine to rest your body as this will keep you fresh for your next workout and help prevent injuries. Even as you become a more experienced runner, you may challenge yourself more at times on the treadmill which can cause little aches and pains, but don’t overwork your body, remember to rest. While getting in those kilometres on the treadmill are great, like with anything too much too fast can cause more damage then good, so make sure to rest up to stay at the top of your game.
Final Thoughts Before Taking Your First Strides
So, there you have it, some of our top tips on adjusting to treadmill running! We hope that they will help you settle into a running routine if you are a beginner or make the switch from outdoor to indoor running if that’s what you need! Treadmill running can be a great way to improve your physical and mental health, as you can push yourself at a level, you’re comfortable with, no matter your fitness experience! With that in mind, get a good pair of running shoes, and make sure to introduce a treadmill into your fitness routine at your local Aura Leisure!
How Aura Leisure Can Help
At Aura Leisure we have state of the art treadmills and cardio equipment in our gyms across the country to help you bring your fitness to the next level! As well as that we have fitness classes to ensure you work the rest of your body too with classes such as Aura Core, Aura HIIT Strength, Aura Bootycamp, and much more! If you are only getting started on your fitness journey, our Fit for Life fitness programme is the ideal place to begin, while for more experienced fitness goers our Lean3 programme is a perfect way to bring your fitness game to new heights! What’s even better is that all of this is free to access for Aura members along with lots more including our incredible swimming facilities!