As adults, we understand that learning to swim can be a very daunting challenge. The first step is picking up the phone or even just filling out our enquiry form after that we are with you every step of the way. Below is exactly what to expect when starting your swimming journey here in Aura!
Why swim?
- Life-saving skill (70 of people who drown never intended to be in the water)
- Health benefits: low-impact, great exercise, cardio-conditioning, life-long activity
- Be able to swim at family events, with friends, with your children, on holidays
- Fun/social – join a swim club, group of learners
- Train/improve technique – compete in triathlons, etc.
What to expect
- Our swim teachers are all hand-picked to ensure you have the best experience possible. They are all highly qualified and experienced in dealing with the unique challenges of learning to swim as an adult. They will provide you with a relaxed, comfortable and social atmosphere to take away the stress associated with learning a new skill and help you overcome the inevitable struggles and challenges. They will push you when you’re ready and help you with the patience to deal with the frustration and repetition.
Things you will need for your first day
- Swimsuit
- Hat
- Goggles
- Towel
- Yourself!!
Lesson Logistics
- Each term is 8 weeks long
- Each lesson is 45 minutes long
- Lessons are on a Tuesday and Thursday evening at 8pm
- We have 3 different levels and each level is focused on specific skills to help you progress as quickly as possible
- Our first level Beginner 1 is based around getting you comfortable and confident in the water. You will start by getting used to having your face in the water, transition to kicking your legs using the wall, a float and your teachers help. Once you have that consistently we will introduce the arms and basic breathing to get you moving in the water. From there it will be coordination and repetition to get all the parts working together smoothly for 5m. You will also go through basic floating and kicking on your back to help you build up your confidence and competence
- Our next level Beginner 2 is centred on breathing. You will already have a level of coordination between your arms, legs and breathing that will be further developed here. You will go through breathing to the side and will work towards a level of proficiency. Once you have that you will begin adding distance through repetition and practice. You will increase the 5m you had from Beginner 1 out towards half a length at a time. Also included here will be more work on your backcrawl, adding in your arms and increasing your distance here as well
- Our last level is Intermediates. Here you will have the freedom to push forward in whichever direction you want. You are in control and we will help you work towards your specific individual goal. That could be swimming a length, working on some breaststroke, training for a triathlon or anything else you can think of! You get the flexibility to pursue your ambition and goals.
Challenges and Solutions
- We understand that it can be tough when you’re learning and there will be challenges and frustrations as with learning any new skill. Don’t feel like you’re the only person having a tough time whenever you have a rough patch, everyone that comes in has their own struggles. It’s estimated that up to 65% of adults can’t swim so you’re not alone. The biggest challenge is booking the swimming lessons, after that, it all gets easier!
- One thing that can really help is practice sessions outside of your lesson. Here you get to go through any new skills or information without feeling like other people are watching or time pressures. You can even come in with your family for a fun session and spend a few minutes practising and it will help. Another thing is talking it through with your teacher, that’s what they’re there for!